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Turf Moor
Saturday, April 2nd, 1988
Fourth Division



View complete set Brian Miller
View complete set Graham Turner

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A comfortable victory, though again the on the pitch memories are lost thanks to off the pitch problems. As ever Tim had parked at the wrong end of the ground and though we had no problems before the match afterwards it was not so relaxing. We'd been kept in about 20 minutes and were turned the corner to be confornted by a group of home fans intent on trouble. We were no hooligans and they looked big lads. They started taunting us trying to get us into a fight and the four of us just froze. By sheer luck a police van came speeding round the corner screeched to a halt and before many of the gang had chance to react they were rounded up. we were jsut left standing on the pavement ! We gathered our senses and ran back to the car and managed to almost knock over Gary Bellamy who had become Dawley Wolves hero, mainly due to his lack of pace but sheer guts. A quick caht then we carried on to the car. Stoppd for a breahter when suddenly Jamie was hit in the back of his head by this 8 year-old kid shouting "come on then" I'll have yer, beckoning us to run after him. Well us four 20 somethings knew exactly what to do to the kid . .we ran off in teh other direction to the car !
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