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Edgeley Park
Friday, August 2nd, 2024
1st Team Friendly
Attendance: 2,790


  Dave Challinor
View complete set John Eustace

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Convergence game:- First time we had Matt with us. Easy train up to Stockport and gentle walk to the ground via the Armoury pub (which was very nice, cheap and friendly) for a swift pint then on to the ground. Weather warm so short-sleeves all the way despite and the threatened rain stayed off (expect during the match when we were under cover.) Sadly the pre-season atmosphere and low crowd robbed the occasion of a visit to Edgeley Park of its usual noisy intensity but it was still a very enjoyable match and visit. The class difference between the teams/leagues was pretty evident but Stockport - still on a high from last season's promotion - will have nothing to worry about in League One this coming season. A couple more pints in the Armoury whilst waiting for out train then home in a trice. MY FIRST VISIT 27-August-2019 National League vs Eastleigh 2-0 Attendance: 3,869 An easy train journey from Whitchurch in gently warm sunshine. Then a 10 minutes slow walk from the station to Edgeley Park. Proper old school stadium surrounded by terraced houses and narrow streets. Huge double-decker stand at one end, a scruffy un-used terrace at the other with a lumping great big magnificently ugly brick and iron main stand. But unattractive as the place may be to the eye the whole place felt like football should. Partisan locals of all ages and history oozing out of the woodwork. And nearly 4 thousand crowd who made one heck of a lot of noise. The ultras up in the top of the end stand waving huge flags and relentlessly banging their drums and chants (mostly very melodiously). I loved it. The match was good too. A fair bit of skill on show from time to time and some thumping tackles. The biggest negative (apart from the bloody great pillar almost in front of me) was the home manager (Jim Gannon) who did not stop shouting at the players. He wasn't coaching - he was instructing. Bloody annoying. Back to the match - Stockport deservedly went ahead but then Eastleigh sort of woke up and pretty much dominated the next 15 minutes. They could easily have (and probably should have) levelled but didn't. Then a wonder goal - curling 30 yarder - for the second ended it as a contest. A gentle happy stroll back to the station and a direct train back to Whitchurch. A really good day. Happy.
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