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White Hart Lane
Saturday, October 12th, 1963 k/o 15:00
Football Combination


Comments :
Match no. 3. First visit to White Hart Lane. Match played on same day as Wales v England at Ninian Park in Home International Championship. So many people were listening to the second-half commentary from Cardiff on transistor radios that you could virtually hear it. Crowd reaction related more to what was happening in Cardiff than to events on the pitch at White Hart Lane!

DT92 Members at this game: (you can click here to load your profile picture)
Match no. 3. First visit to White Hart Lane. Match played on same day as Wales v England at Ninian Park in Home International Championship. So many people were listening to the second-half commentary from Cardiff on transistor radios that you could virtually hear it. Crowd reaction related more to what was happening in Cardiff than to events on the pitch at White Hart Lane!
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