elltheowl 72 |
rpaceltic 60 |
Roger Arthur 32 |
I always thought Hillsborough was a lovely ground, in 1984 we had played Wednesday in a 5th round FA Cup game on a Sunday, 10,000 of us up there for a game live on tv, i remember thinking that we were a bit packed in on the Leppings lane end, looking back i am so grateful that the South Yorkshire police decided not to murder 97 of us like they did to 97 INNOCENT Liverpool fans. What i remember about this game, not long before the disaster, is that at half time they appeared to have a dress rehersal for a major disaster at a game, did not work that well did it, FA, police and government-look back at what the thatcher government said at the time, and the sun hang your heads in shame.
sibesthlm 22 |
rogerpceltic 0 |