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Broadhall Way
Tuesday, November 3rd, 2015 k/o 19:00
Attendance: 217

Comments :
Match no. 1204. Barclays U-21 Premier League International Cup. The Schalke goalkeeper who, it transpired, was actually 35 years old (!) was red-carded 5 minutes into the second-half when he engaged in a mega-tantrum after colliding with the Spurs centre-forward when collecting a through ball. He received a yellow card for a prolonged rant at the referee and then a straight red for kicking the ball at the ref while he was entering the details in his notebook. He then threw the ball at the ref again and, having got halfway off the pitch, went back and had another prolonged rant. What a great example to show the youngsters!

DT92 Members at this game: (you can click here to load your profile picture)
Match no. 1204. Barclays U-21 Premier League International Cup. The Schalke goalkeeper who, it transpired, was actually 35 years old (!) was red-carded 5 minutes into the second-half when he engaged in a mega-tantrum after colliding with the Spurs centre-forward when collecting a through ball. He received a yellow card for a prolonged rant at the referee and then a straight red for kicking the ball at the ref while he was entering the details in his notebook. He then threw the ball at the ref again and, having got halfway off the pitch, went back and had another prolonged rant. What a great example to show the youngsters!
Match no. 329. Barclays U-21 Premier League International Cup.
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