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Display Ground information

The Salts, Rye Cricket Ground, Fishmarket Road, Rye Sussex TN31 7NU
If using Public Transport: Train to Rye Station, change at Ashford the ground is 9 minute walk from the railway station. Turn left out of the station, walk down past the bus stops and turn left at the Cinque Ports Pub. Walk up Cinque Ports Street then follow it straight on into Tower Street at the mini roundabout. Follow it round the bend and at the end of the road take a sharp left into Fishmarket Road past the Bedford Arms and Murco petrol station. Cross the road and through the car park and the ground is in front of you.

Home Ground for:
Rye United

Interactive birds-eye view of The Salts from Microsoft's Bing Maps
(or map if birds-eye view doesn't exist)

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