Once you've entered a few games you can start going through the games displays. The best place to start is the Chronological view, which shows the games you've entered in Chronological order, along with any ground moves, promotions or relegations that affect your DT92 Count (the count of how many of the 92 grounds you've seen a game at)
Again, in the Your 92, hover over the Display Your Games button and then click on Chronological.
You might need to wait while the display builds but when it does you'll see a list of your games and events, colour-coded to show the impact on your DT92 count.
1. Games in blue show the first time you've been to a ground, and they add 1 to your DT92 count in the first column.
Red rows show that a team that has been relegated so your count is decreased by 1.
A Green row shows a team that has been promoted back into the League, so your count increases by 1 again.
An orange row shows a ground move, usually meaning your count is decreased by 1.
Click on the team names in a game row to see more details about that game, including any other DT92 members who were there. We include scorers, cards and the teams from all recent League and major cup games. You can also personalise each game by adding your photos, scans of the programme and ticket and comments about the day.