A trip up to the Lake District and so a chance to get another ground in. I'd been once before for a Wolves friendly, but decided to get a competitive game in. Myself and bruv attend and weren't in the best of moods after both getting a speeding ticket on the way up to the game. we then had to blag tickets as we didn't realise it was an all ticket match due to some of the Cardiff fans unsavoury reputation. The ticket office are obliging and we end up sitting next to another holidaying neutral, a Swansea fan. Who of coruse has no problem supporting Blackpool. As outr grandad used to be Balckpool's groundsman we feel we have a connection to. Not a bad game depsite only the 1 goal. We found a pub after the game to watch the Stoke v Wolves match. The landlord kindly let us watch the whole game even though his locals wanted the rugby on
stelac 75
ccfc exile 65
TizzyDog 61
Siwulf 53
Gully 43
jimmytaff 21
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