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Arena Garibaldi
Tuesday, December 8th, 1992
Anglo Italian Cup
Attendance: 700


  John King

DT92 Members at this game: (you can click here to load your profile picture)
I took the cheaper option of the twenty five hour coach trip opposed to the quicker plane trip, the club handed out free Tranmere anglo italian scarfs to be exchanged with the locals(but i''ve still got mine to this day) The trip started badly as i was supposed to have the only free double seat on the coach only to be asked to change seats by a bloke who said he wanted to sit hear his mates. On entering Switzerland the surrounds were covered in snow and we had doubts about the game going ahead. At one point we stopped at services and i tried taking a picture of our group but many stragglers inside meant only half were captured in the pic. We entered Italy via a long tunnel and were relieved to see the snow had disappeared. On the approach to the hotel the road was blocked by a parked car but no problem as half a dozen lads jumped off to bounce it out the way! Our hearts sack though as before we could all disembark the coach we were told the match was in doubt due to a waterlogged pitch and their was to be a pitch inspection. We stayed at the hotel mediteranian but on the hole the area was dead with little open. To our relief the game went ahead in front of a sparse crowd and pre match entertainment of a marching band. The result was our first victory in europe as kenny irons scored the only goal making the 25 hour return journey worthwhile
Only With Trfc
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