Premier League
Attendance: 41,590

Pizarro 17, Malouda 31, Essien 50

Forssell 15, Kapo 36
Managers |
DT92 Members at this game: (you can click here to load your profile picture) |
ibcfc 92 |
Qpr1967 90 |
Wicken Dave 90 |
Captain Blue 87 |
rtarvin 84 |
Harry Hatter 70 |
bluezu 65 |
The first game off the 2007 / 2008 season dosen''t get much harder and starts at current premiership runners up Chelsea.
Craig the Chelsea scum drives Chris and Joe to cockney land. A early breckfast and the lads are on there way arrive in good time at around half 10. They park up not far from a board appealing for witness''s to a recent shooting, what a lovely place.
The group head in to a local pub and have a couple off beers before setting off for the early kick off.
Warren, Cash, Help and Ash who are travelling up on the coach arrive in time for a quick pre-match beer.
Soon everyone is on the way to the game, Craig gets warned he could be in for a tap on the head if Chelsea win but braves it all the same and goes in !!
In the ground Joe is not happy with his £45 seat as he has a fat steward in his way !!
The game begins and amazingly within about 9 minutes Blues take the lead, a freekick is flicked on by Liam Ridgewell who is making his debut and captain for the day and is headed home by former Chelsea player Mikael Forsell, blues lead and how they are enjoying it with chants off we''re gonna win the lead. The joy is short lived as Chelsea equalise within three minutes and soon take the lead. Just before half time though, Oliver Kapo also making his debut unleashes a thunderbolt equaliser and its all square at the break.
The TV cameras zoom in on the crowd and Warren, Help and Chris make it on telly.
Back out for the second half and Chelsea are soon back in front, Michael Essien scores from a freekick where Colin Doyle really should have done better.
Blues press for a equaliser but it dosen''t come and the game ends 3-2. Not too bad, not the 5-0 hammering many predicted !!
The lads head back to the lettuce pub where they where before the game to watch Man Utd v Reading and after a couple of hours head home.
Joe strips off in celebration at seeing 2 goals and shows his hairy chest to the world. Chris nicks a plant and gets his beer dirty and is forced to clean it at a petrol station with a bottle off water.
Cah and Help jump in for the journey home and Craig has his head done in by constant singing. Craig also manages to kill a poor inicent fox who cant get out of the way in time.
Everyone gets home about 10pm apart from Craig who gets in around 11 !!
P.S. This match report would have been longer but after 2 years off being on here DT92 removed it so its now been re-written over 3 years after the game !!
A good day out for all !!
ashleybcfc 46 |
TVKing 41 |
ColinAyers59 32 |
Nathan CFC 28 |
Piet 24 |
richardevs 24 |
sherman3010 19 |
george1 17 |
leboyne 0 |