Memorable for the bitter cold conditions. The first half was played in a blizzard and with the wind behind them Vale scored 3. The second half the condtions eased and Mutchy got one back for us but we were well beaten. Astoundly, the police still kept the Wolves fans in after the game for what seemed hours! IT was probably only a few minutes but I can't remember EVER being so cold. A truly miserable day !
Memorable for the bitter cold conditions. The first half was played in a blizzard and with the wind behind them Vale scored 3. The second half the condtions eased and Mutchy got one back for us but we were well beaten. Astoundly, the police still kept the Wolves fans in after the game for what seemed hours! IT was probably only a few minutes but I can't remember EVER being so cold. A truly miserable day !
Steve Weller 75
mattw007uk 60
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