Flew to Gatwick from Edinburgh. Picked up by ISCW. Tube from Wimbledon to Edgware Road. Walked to Allsop Arms. Met Nick Winder and Mike. Train from Marylebone to Wembley Stadium.
Back to Wimbledon after match. Curry at Curry Royal. Stayed with ISCW. Flew back to Edinburgh from London City.
Dermot AV 92
TonyP MCFC 92
ed73 85
Only the Villa 82
brooksymcfc 76
48110 72
Stuart long 71
dwoodhouse 69
Jonathanp1971 62
cmarcantonio 52
speacock15 51
andy23newmangmail.com 51
cameron long 48
daveb1511 40
hgb0712 25
HFU 13
connordabra 6
alexbirch04 0
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