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Kenilworth Road
Saturday, November 4th, 1978
Second Division


Comments :
a day that was jinxed!! Me a a few mates set off for Luton in my 1970 ford escort i had to take my spare set of keys as one of my young sons had been playing with them and they could not be found, having picked up my mates, got there and parked the car in the street close to the ground in a row with about 30 others, we made off to the pub for a swift pint before the game, what a boring game and as we had a fireworks party planned later we left a few minutes before the final whistle, and get ahead of the traffic out of town. as we were walking down the street we could here a loud raw as my team had scored a goal in the last minute ! winning one nil on getting back to the car along with all the other cars parking tickets had been stuck to the windows ! made for the M1 motorway not very happy stopped at the next north bound services to get some petrol when i noticed there was no key for the locking petrol cap ! we had to borrow some tools from a bloke nearby and pulled the cap off filled with petrol and placed a temporary bung in the filler cap. after a few miles taking the exit Leicester I looked down at my gear change which was flopping around in the rubber I put my hand on it and the whole gear change lever came out in my hand but some how manged to stop and replace it in a fashion to get home !

View complete set David Pleat
View complete set Jock Wallace

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allotment fox 1884
a day that was jinxed!! Me a a few mates set off for Luton in my 1970 ford escort i had to take my spare set of keys as one of my young sons had been playing with them and they could not be found, having picked up my mates, got there and parked the car in the street close to the ground in a row with about 30 others, we made off to the pub for a swift pint before the game, what a boring game and as we had a fireworks party planned later we left a few minutes before the final whistle, and get ahead of the traffic out of town. as we were walking down the street we could here a loud raw as my team had scored a goal in the last minute ! winning one nil on getting back to the car along with all the other cars parking tickets had been stuck to the windows ! made for the M1 motorway not very happy stopped at the next north bound services to get some petrol when i noticed there was no key for the locking petrol cap ! we had to borrow some tools from a bloke nearby and pulled the cap off filled with petrol and placed a temporary bung in the filler cap. after a few miles taking the exit Leicester I looked down at my gear change which was flopping around in the rubber I put my hand on it and the whole gear change lever came out in my hand but some how manged to stop and replace it in a fashion to get home !
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