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Boundary Park
Saturday, August 31st, 1996
Division One
Attendance: 5,339
Rickers 1, Redmond 28, Banger 69
Mathie 12, 74, Stockwell 22

Comments :
A fat bloke somehow managed to walk to the centre circle during the first and sit on the centre spot for some kind of one man protest against the club.  Got  Adam Tanner's autograph before the game in the stand.

View complete set Graeme Sharp
View complete set George Burley

DT92 Members at this game: (you can click here to load your profile picture)
Oldham scored after just 30 seconds - a bloke protested and sat on the centre circle for all of 10 seconds before getting chucked out and Miller, Barnard and I got on the highlights video for one of the goals.
A fat bloke somehow managed to walk to the centre circle during the first and sit on the centre spot for some kind of one man protest against the club.  Got  Adam Tanner's autograph before the game in the stand.
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