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Pirelli Stadium
Saturday, July 22nd, 2006
1st Team Friendly
Attendance: 2,000


View complete set Nigel Clough
View complete set Steve Bruce

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Kev got the old metro out for this one and drove Chris, Marc and Warren to the match Chris finished work at 2, Kev picked him up and the lads where off !!   After a bit of traffic the lads arrived just before 3pm, a quick burger and on to the terraces for the lads !!   Birminghams first friendly after premiership relegation and Steve Bruce was wearing his new white speedo's on the sidelines !!   Cameron Jerome made his Birmingham debut with DJ Campbell partnering him in attack   A pretty boring first half saw DJ Campbell put Birmingham in front and David Dunn receive a bollocking from Brucey for a bad tackle on Nigel Clough.   The second half began and Burton produced a equaliser with a excellent shot from the edge of the box. The Birmingham fans where not overly pleased, only a pre-season friendly but this would still be a bad result however Cameron Jerome soon prodeed home to put Birmingham back in front. DJ Campbell later went on to score another three goals to send the bluenoses home happy !!   The lads went home and had a few beers in selly oak on the night before Fletch met Ricky up town where he spotted Jermaine Pennant, Cameron Jerome and Neil Danns out on the razzle !!    
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