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Villa Park
Saturday, February 12th, 1972
Third Division
Attendance: 48,110

Comments :
First ever match. Record 3rd division attendance at the time. Stood at the front of the old uncovered Witton end terrace. Match was on MOTD which was very rare for a third division game at the time to be shown. Went with my dad and a lad from our road Peter Ingram Bournemouth scored first Ted MacDougal header and led 1 0 at h/t. Villa scored twice after the break Vowden and Lochead to win the game. Atmosphere fantastic and to see a packed Holte end holding scarves up was a sight to behold and always remembered.

View complete set Vic Crowe
View complete set John Bond

DT92 Members at this game: (you can click here to load your profile picture)
Dermot AV
Only the Villa
First ever match. Record 3rd division attendance at the time. Stood at the front of the old uncovered Witton end terrace. Match was on MOTD which was very rare for a third division game at the time to be shown. Went with my dad and a lad from our road Peter Ingram Bournemouth scored first Ted MacDougal header and led 1 0 at h/t. Villa scored twice after the break Vowden and Lochead to win the game. Atmosphere fantastic and to see a packed Holte end holding scarves up was a sight to behold and always remembered.
Ian Colby
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