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The Shay
Saturday, October 14th, 2017 k/o 15:00
FA Cup
Fourth Qualifying Round
Attendance: 1,630

Comments :
Another excellent (and intrepid adventure) day out. 7 trains in all. The first was delayed past the connection time for train 2 but that was late so I made it. How lucky am I? After that they were all perfect. A very warm day with temperatures around 20degC despite it being middle of October (there's a hurricane coming!!) so T-shirt all the way to half time. An easy walk from station to the stadium via a couple of pints in The Shears Inn (very nice) where I chatted to the ex temporary stand-in chairman John Lofthouse (who knew Richard Hands - aka Panda, apparently - whom I used to work with at Multisol). Then on to the ground in sunshine. A really good set up. Easily better than a couple of League grounds and such a shame to see it 90 percent empty. Even bigger shame the performance. leaving aside losing 3-1 full, The Shaymen were awful. But the crowd were pleasant enough. Then an easy walk back to the station and home via Huddersfield, Manchester, Crewe and Whitchurch. Excellent !!!!

  Micky Mellon

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Zevons dad
Another excellent (and intrepid adventure) day out. 7 trains in all. The first was delayed past the connection time for train 2 but that was late so I made it. How lucky am I? After that they were all perfect. A very warm day with temperatures around 20degC despite it being middle of October (there's a hurricane coming!!) so T-shirt all the way to half time. An easy walk from station to the stadium via a couple of pints in The Shears Inn (very nice) where I chatted to the ex temporary stand-in chairman John Lofthouse (who knew Richard Hands - aka Panda, apparently - whom I used to work with at Multisol). Then on to the ground in sunshine. A really good set up. Easily better than a couple of League grounds and such a shame to see it 90 percent empty. Even bigger shame the performance. leaving aside losing 3-1 full, The Shaymen were awful. But the crowd were pleasant enough. Then an easy walk back to the station and home via Huddersfield, Manchester, Crewe and Whitchurch. Excellent !!!!
avec les super blancs
Early Jennings goal set the tone but Davies conceaded soft pen. Luckily poor pen hit down the middle and saved with legs, however this was a short reprieve as a fortunate deflection set up a one on one and whilst the Halifax player over ran his effort he hit it across goal and with no attacking players in the box mcnultys did the honours hammering home the equaliser from point blank range for an og. Tranmere looked up for the challenge and Norwood fired home from the edge of the box in first half added time. A second half free kick from ridehalgh sealed the deal in a deserved win
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