League One
Attendance: 8,188

Nile Ranger (11), Dany N'Guessan (28)

James McEveley (23), Yasser Kasim (90+1)

Andre Boucaud (13), Joss Labadie (26), Adam Coombes (53)
Managers |
Players |
DT92 Members at this game: (you can click here to load your profile picture) |
Parmaleo 92 |
NorthantsRobin 92 |
nsbasti 91 |
Travelled down to Culham by train (4.5 hours) to meet up with Charlie and Suey. Excellent early dinner in The Plough at Warnborough before dropping Marmot off at the cinema and driving on to the ground, eventually parking in the club carpark and making kick-off with minutes to spare - just as it started to hammer down with rain.
The new Don Rogers stand is excellent with a really steep 'rake' making you feel very close to the action. And, being nearly full around us, the atmosphere was great. Really good lights too.
Swindon were excellent. Great movement, tight passing, and big ol' Nile Ranger (aka P-Nile Ranger) up front causing havoc (and scoring the first goal). It was terrrific entertainment and the best football I have ever seen at thrird level.
When a goal was scored the screen behind the Adkins terrace flashed up what looked like 'GOAT' because the 'L' seemed to have a line across the top. So Swindon won 2 goats to nil but should have had a full herd and would have done but for 5 absolutely astonishing saves from the County keeper Bartosz Bialkowski.
A great night's entertainment (even leaving aside the little lad farting next to us !!!) and Charlie very happy to have the visit back to (nasty memories) Swindon behind her.
I drove home (2.5 hours through driving rain) eventually getting home around 1a.m.
charlottewilkins 83 |
Grandad 83 |
mattcolsell 75 |
realfootiedad 72 |
astonp 56 |
Fatherstatto 46 |
dylanctomes02 42 |
dylanctomess 40 |
dylantomes 40 |
Birdy 20 |
dylanctomes 0 |